LA Times

Los Angeles Times


The state of what’s next.

The state of California is often the first to take action on the struggles that face our nation – climate change, immigration, housing, and equality. Reporting on this progress is a key tenet of the LA Times editorial approach and inspired the new brand campaign and tagline, ’The state of what’s next.’



Election Coverage

Every year, the LA Times Voter Guide plays a crucial role in building an informed electorate. This campaign reminded readers of the power their vote holds.



Today in L.A.

The Farmers Market at 3rd & Fairfax is home to one of the last newsstands in LA. To highlight its iconic status, the Los Angeles Times invited six local artists to collaborate and share their perspectives on this ever-changing city. Learn more about each amazing artist here.


COPY: A city lives and breathes. It grows, evolves, adapts. It is ever-changing. But sometimes you’re lucky enough to catch a glimpse of it. In an effort to capture the sprawling, majestic, sometimes peaceful, more often clamorous, City of Angels, Los Angeles Times invited artists to share their perspectives on their city. These artists see Los Angeles. They are from here. They live here. They are L.A. And through their eyes, you can see the city they see.


Out of Home

We mined subscriber data to identify the topics that most concerned Los Angeles residents and posed thought-provoking questions to engage locals in a conversation with their paper.